
      公司主要產品有蝶閥、閘閥、截止閥、球閥、止回閥、水力控制閥、脫硫脫硝系列、消防系列、暖通空調系列等產品,所有產品均 能按照GB、ANSI、API、 JIS、 DIN、 BS等標準設計、制造、加工,產品的通徑從DN3-4000mm (3/8”-60” ) ,工作壓力從0.6- 42.0Mpa ( 150- -2500LB ) , 同時用戶可以根據使用介質不同選用碳鋼、合金鋼、不銹鋼等材質來滿足工藝要求,強腐蝕、強沖刷,介質可以選用流道襯氟、襯陶瓷等產品來滿足。。產品被廣泛應用于石油、化工、天然氣、電力、醫藥冶金、航天、造紙、環保、城建、水處理等諸多領域的系統管路上。
      公司不斷創新的企業文化培養了一支優秀的員工隊伍, “精益求精、 改善永無止境”的經營理念不斷在企業的經營活動中得到提升。公司在追求精益求精的過程中,不斷完善自我、樹立品牌形象,在企業持續發展的過程中與客戶精誠合作,竭誠為新老用戶提供具優質的產品及服務,為顧客創造價值,為社會進步做出貢獻!

Tianjin Tanggu Xinhai Valve Co., Ltd. was founded in 2004 and is located at No. 10 Yuying Road, Jinnan District, Tianjin. The company has a registered capital of 10.018 million yuan and has been awarded the TS Special Equipment Manufacturing License, Water Safety and Health License, ISO9001 International Quality System Certification, ISO45001 Environmental Management System Certification, ISO14001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System Certification, CE EU Certificate, AAA Integrity Enterprise, and other national authoritative certificates, as well as multiple invention patents. Our company's products are insured by Ping An Insurance of China. Since its establishment, we have been committed to providing customers with a complete set of industrial valve solutions, specializing in the production, research and development, sales, and service of industrial valves.

The company's main products include butterfly valves, gate valves, globe valves, ball valves, check valves, hydraulic control valves, desulfurization and denitrification series, fire protection series, HVAC series, and other products. All products can be designed, manufactured, and processed in accordance with GB, ANSI, API, JIS, DIN, BS and other standards. The diameter of the products ranges from DN3-4000mm (3/8 "-60"), and the working pressure ranges from 0.6 to 42.0Mpa (150-2500LB), At the same time, users can choose materials such as carbon steel, alloy steel, stainless steel, etc. according to the different media used to meet the process requirements. Strong corrosion and strong erosion can be achieved by using products such as flow channel fluorine lining and ceramic lining.. The product is widely used in system pipelines in many fields such as petroleum, chemical, natural gas, electricity, pharmaceutical metallurgy, aerospace, papermaking, environmental protection, urban construction, water treatment, etc.

The company's continuously innovative corporate culture has cultivated an excellent team of employees, and the business philosophy of "continuous improvement and endless improvement" has been continuously enhanced in the company's business activities. In the pursuit of excellence, the company continuously improves itself and establishes a brand image. In the process of continuous development, it cooperates sincerely with customers, wholeheartedly provides high-quality products and services to new and old users, creates value for customers, and contributes to social progress!

Copyright @ 2021 天津市塘沽鑫海閥門有限公司  版權所有 津ICP備2021003632號-1


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